Stopped Short

Busy this weekend at a friends stag party, so as you can imagine not much productive was achieved.

However somethings didnt managed to get looked at on my 'recouperation' day. as you can imagine there was no grinding/sanding happening then..

Finally received my bush covers, so they went on first. Easy job and nice and shiny.
Final coat of high build filler primer - Ready and super smooth for the final color coat of paint.

Front fender finally got a coat of normal primer. this one is actually really smooth already. barely any filler is needed here.

Base of pillion passenger seat finally painted.
As the new seals for the front forks also arrived, it was time to properly take them both apart, light clean/polish (on top of what i had already done) and reassemble, or so i thought...

All the front fork internals.
I'm pretty sure the springs were meant to be:
1) straight
2) the same length.

one of the springs with a shattered end

Close up shattered end.

-  the strange thing was, that neither of the smashed spring ends matched with what was left, and no bits and pieces came out of the main reservoir tubes when cleaning?

i ordered some new springs.

 The dampers were in great condition. and so is everything else. I may grind off the old chrome on the bottom tubes (not pictured) as its gone a bit flaky and small rust8 patches are visible. they will become black like everything else for now.
Perhaps i can get them re-chromed at a later date.

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