
As said before, i did get around to getting stuff done on the bike project..

to start with i did some light paint work. mainly adding the white lettering on the items, makes things look a bit more proper..

Lettered Numberplate

Lettered Voltage regulator
then the seatbelt was installed in the sidecar. A bit of an issue arrose, as the main housing was interfering with the seat back rest, it would not fully lock shut in its correct, and was difficult to remove or install. It seemed the correct solution would be to modify the seat back panel to allow a space for the seat belt housing to sit as the seatback gets moved around during the fitting and removal

Seat belt positioning

Seat dismantled and section for cut out marked.
the frame of the seat was adjusted and i re upholstered the seat again. This was a somewhat 2 handed job so there are not pics of that im afraid.

Seatbel fitting snugly into its custom sized hole. Nice.
Back up to the buisness end of the machine, and i popped my new wingmirror clamps on. Being slim and minimal, these fitted on well with minimal or no interferance with cable routing. That's a result for me, as some other mirror clamps i had looked at (read that - purchased then realized they were wrong) were just too large, and ended up with catastrophic cable interference which just wouldn't do. Unfortunately there isn't a lot of room on these bikes handlebars for extra bits and pieces, so i was quite happy when these clamps fitted perfectly!

Indiacators - As this bike vnitage didn't come with any blinkers as standard, i took a while, umming and aarring about where to place these. In the end i just bit the bullet and popped them on where they felt about right - or where there was a convenient hole to place them in. I had to make up a small clamp/mount for the rear bike indicators to fit in a good position.

The Front forks sheaths, had some conveniently placed holes in them to fit my blinkers to the side of the light mounting.    (I'd assume these sheaths could have been from a more recent model that did have indicators fitter..)
This felt about right, and was not interfering with sidecar entry or exit.

I had to make up a small clamp/mount for the rear bike indicators to fit in a good position.
The switch. As previously mentioned, there isn't a lot of space on the handlebar, so i popped the switch a bit further down, but still in an easliy accessible place. Not ideal, but it will suffice.
Wiring loom for the sidecar indicators

Cabling from the indicators in to the main electrical system.

Front end cable tidying..

as it is now.
Ive got to put the last indicator on the sidecar,and then connect up the wiring loom. I also had some time to insall the brake switch. What a RPOS (Russian piece of shit) that is. Needless to say it wasn't very fun. I ended up having to modify it. It works well now.

i think there is now only about 2 more weekends worth of work, and it will be MOT ready...
i should start thinking about a name for it maybe?

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